I happen to think that Thornbury needs a larger and more sustainable population if we are to support a thriving town centre and one day to benefit from many of the facilities enjoyed by larger communities. If the majority think otherwise then we must all live with the consequences of that decision.
However, I find it bizarre that the current debate centres almost exclusively on which green space should be preserved rather than on broader environmental considerations. Criteria should include ease of access to the High Street. How do we encourage folk in the new homes to walk rather than use their cars? Surely an environmentally responsible Thornbury should be discouraging folk from burning more fuel and increasing pressure on our already over-stretched parking? Surely a commercially viable Thornbury should discourage them from getting into their cars and heading off to The Mall where the parking is easier?
If we decide to build more homes let’s build them as close to the High Street as possible. Let’s put the heart back into Thornbury.
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